Athletic Conditioning

JumpSport®: BOUNCIN’ Booty Danceoff

BOUNCE into a new approach to dance training and be introduced to the benefits of the JumpSport® Fitness Trampoline. Name your style - hip hop, latin, jazz? The possibilities are endless! Learn how to synergistically combine the cardiovascular benefits of a dance routine with the reactive surface of trampoline and triple the training effect your students or client’s experience, during their workouts, no matter what their fitness level or ability. Refresh your existing dance based program with the integration of a new tool and have your students clamoring at the door to get into your classes. Walk away from this session with enough choreography nuggets you can use Monday morning, ready to go!

Equipment: LCD projector, screen, JumpSport® Fitness Trampoline ratio to student (1:1)

*Can be a master class.

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